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Find the Stillness

Writer's picture: Michelle OrwickMichelle Orwick

The sacred sites are sleeping, resting, and rejuvenating just as we should. Last night was the full moon. A night where I might have normally gone to a drum circle or group ritual. However, due to this very special time, those things were not an option. We’ve been told to stay home. However, in my beautiful magical part of Orlando, Florida, we are allowed to walk in public parks and neighborhoods. Therefore, at 11 pm, after I had already completed dinner and a ritual for my Soul Circle group I decided to go visit two of the sacred sites in my neighborhood.


The first sight I visited was the bodhi tree in our community garden. This tree has a lot of meaning for me. Many years ago there was a little restaurant that started a drum circle for the new and full moon. They planted a tree, and the tree grew and grew and a sacred community did the same. It was during a drum circle for the first time I ever did readings publicly and for strangers. However, they were never strangers, and now they are family. I remember people in that time we’re growing and trying to find their place. Interesting enough these are now the strong leaders of our community. Each of them bringing their gifts to our city and unto the world. Each of them growing like the tree. I reflected this evening on the fact that normally this would have hundreds of people coming through in one evening, yet I found myself alone on the full moon.

The pink full moon. The full moon in April that Buddha was said to have found enlightenment, I prayed for wisdom. I prayed for the energy of compassion to come into my body. That I may embrace the knowledge of this golden and pink energy. This life force that the tree and the moon and the wise being. I remembered a hurricane coming through a few years ago, Hurricane Irma. During the hurricane, the tree was literally pulled from its roots and knocked. The community lost power for many days and weeks. People were out of work and out of power, and our tree was knocked over. I remember the day after the hurricane, it was a very surreal day kind of like tonight. However, our community cut down all the extra pieces Cleaned up the garden and replanted our tree. Now 2 1/2 years later this tree is bigger and stronger than it ever was and the roots have taken deeper ground. This tree and community survive. A symbol that hardship can bring a deeper growth as we replant and rebuild.


Next, I went to a little park on Fern Creek. The park used to just be a tiny little plot of land, the size a house would be on. I walked past it many times and it was nice. Maybe a park bench but nothing exciting or special. However, a few years ago there was a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando called Pulse. More than 50 people died And many others were harmed and terrified. It shocked our city to the core. Many tears were cried and yet Orlando came back stronger. We rallied together to become Orlando Strong! Many, many people came together to help those affected. The city decided to make this beautiful labyrinth as a memorial. They took my little park and they created one of the most gorgeous paver Labyrinths I have ever seen. It has the names of those that were lost in a beautiful rainbow-colored heart in the middle. It broke her heart but we created her a new one. A stronger more unified heart. Many full moons I have walked this labyrinth. For contemplation. For manifestation. To make a decision. To share with my friends and my students. I love this labyrinth. Sometimes it’s very crowded. Tonight it was still and it was empty… the full moon shined down upon me.


With a perfectly clear view, I completely lit up every step that I took. This walking meditation tonight was dedicated to gratitude. For all that I had and all I’ve ever received. I came to the center and laid down in the heart, allowing the moon to wash over me. Allowing my blessings to wash over me. For I am alive and I have a pulse. And I connected to the heartbeat of the planet. From this sacred site, I touched upon other sacred sites. Some I have been to some I have not. Places that have called me home and places that still reach out to me for the future. The chalice well which I know is closed until midsummer. The mountains in Sedona have clear skies than they’ve seen in years. The pyramids all over the world. The stone circles all over the world. The waters and the springs. The mountains and the deserts. The land and the ocean. And as they lay here in this heart I allowed myself to connect to the heartbeat of the planet. To the heartbeat of the sacred sites. To the heartbeat of the trees and the animals. To the heartbeat of other people. And I let my heart connect and I said healing out to all the stillness that is needed for healing. The stillness is being asked of us to go inside and outside. As above so below. As within so without. We must take a moment to reflect as the planet is taking a moment to heal.

She said stop your panic. She said stop your fears. In fact just stop. Take a moment to listen to your heartbeat. Take a moment to connect to the land. Take a moment to forget. Take a moment to remember. Take a moment to connect all that has been forgotten. Take a moment to remember who you are. Take a moment to learn who you can be. Take a moment to choose. Take a moment to choose who you want to be. Take a moment to choose the right choices going forward in the future.

So as I returned home and I lit my candles and I made my offerings. I was renewed by this moon. I was renewed with the understanding that there’s always a cycle in life. There has been many plagues throughout written history. In fact, as we come into the days of Passover the Scripture says. As we come into Easter, Christ says and forgive them for they know not what they do. I believe we are waking up in the dawn of unity consciousness. This is the don of the awakening of the feminine divine. The healing of the masculine divine in the unification and oneness and homeless of ourselves and the planet. Take this time to make yourself whole. Take this time which is Holy to so many cultures. Treat your body like a temple. Treat the planets like a friend. Treat your neighbor with kindness. Treat your spirit as an honored guest. Treat yourself like your own best friend. Be grateful for your family and friends. Allow the panic and overwhelm to sass and find your gift.

When terrible times are over we become stronger. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. At this point our fear and our panic might kill us instead. So choose to be strong. Choose to regrow. Choose the path of enlightenment.

Live Magically, Michelle


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